Power Quality issues are becoming a major concern of today’s power system engineers. Harmonics play significant roll in deteriorating power quality, called harmonic distortion. Harmonic distortion in electric distribution system is increasingly growing due to the widespread use of nonlinear loads. Large considerations of these loads have the potential to raise harmonic voltage and currents in an electrical distribution system to unacceptable high levels that can adversely affect the system. IEEE standards have defined limits for harmonic voltages and harmonic currents. Active power filters have been considered a potential candidate to bring these harmonic distortions within the IEEE limits. This paper deals with an active power filter (APF) based on simple control. A voltage source inverter with pulse width modulation (PWM) is employed to form the APF. A diode rectifier feeding capacitive-resistive load is considered as nonlinear load on ac mains for the elimination of harmonics by the proposed APF. MATLAB model of the scheme is simulated and obtained results are studied.
1. Power Quality
2. THD
3. Non-linear Load
4. PWM
Figure 1 Principle of Shunt connected SPAPF
Figure 2. Basic Circuit of Single Phase APF
Figure 3. Load Current without SPAPF
Figure 4. Load Current Harmonic Spectrum without SPAPF
Figure 5. Load Voltage without SPAPF
Figure 6. Load Current Harmonic Spectrum without SPAPF

Figure 7. Load Current with SPAPF
Figure 8. Load Current Harmonic Spectrum with SPAPF
Figure 9. Load Voltage without SPAPF
Figure 10. Load Voltage Harmonic Spectrum with SPAPF
A simple control scheme of the single phase active power filter is proposed which requires sensing of one current and two voltages only. The APF results in sinusoidal unity power factor supply current. It is concluded that the reduced value of dc bus capacitor is able to give quite satisfactory operation of the APF system. The voltage controller gives fast response. The proposed APF is able to reduce THD of supply current and supply voltage below prescribed permitted limits specified by IEEE 519.
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