microgrids fed with substantial intermittent renewable energy sources (RES)
face the immediate problem of power imbalance and the subsequent DC bus voltage
fluctuation problem (that can easily breach power system standards). It has
recently been demonstrated that DC electric springs (DCES), when connected with
series non-critical loads, are capable of stabilizing the voltage of local
nodes and improving the power quality of DC microgrids without large energy
storage. In this paper, two centralized model predictive control (CMPC) schemes
with (i) non-adaptive weighting factors and (ii) adaptive weighting factors are
proposed to extend the existing functions of the DCES in the microgrid. The
control schemes coordinate the DCES to mitigate the distribution power loss in
the DC microgrids, while simultaneously providing their original function of DC
bus voltage regulation. Using the DCES model that was previously validated with
experiments, simulations based on MATLAB/SIMULINK platform are conducted to
validate the control schemes. The results show that with the proposed CMPC
schemes, the DCES are capable of eliminating the bus voltage offsets as well as
reducing the distribution power loss of the DC microgrid.
1. DC microgrids
2. DC electric springs (DCES)
3. Centralized model predictive control (CMPC)
4. Non-adaptive weighting factors
5. Adaptive weighting factors
6. Distribution power loss
1. An m-bus DC microgrid with n RES units.
2. Waveforms of the power supply by RES and the bus voltages of the DC
microgrid without DCES.
3. Waveforms of the bus voltages of the DC microgrid when the DCES is installed
at the five buses.
4. Waveforms of the bus voltages of the DC microgrid with three DCES installed
at bus 1, bus 4 and bus 5.
5. The comparisons of the power loss on the distribution lines between α=1
and α=0.9 when three DCES are installed.
6. Waveforms of the bus voltages of the DC microgrid with four DCES installed
at bus 1, bus 2, bus 4 and bus 5.
7. Comparisons of the power loss on the distribution lines for different values
of α when four DCES are installed.
electric springs (DCES) is an emerging technology that can be used to stabilize
and improve the power quality of DC microgrids. In this paper, a centralized
model predictive control (CMPC) with both non-adaptive weighting factors and
adaptive weighting factors is proposed for multiple DCES to further mitigate
the power loss on the distribution lines of a DC microgrid. Using a DCES model
previously verified with experiments, simulation studies have been conducted
for a DC microgrid setup. Simulation results on a 48 V five-bus DC microgrid
show that the energy is saved about 49.4% in the 5 seconds when three DCES are
controlled by the CMPC with non-adaptive weighting factors and is saved about
58.5% in the 5 seconds when four DCES are controlled by the CMPC with
non-adaptive weighting factors. It is also demonstrated that the power loss on
the distribution lines of the DC microgrid can be further reduced by the CMPC
with adaptive weighting factors, as compared to the CMPC with non-adaptive
weighting factors.
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